Independent Thinking®
John Weinberg on Joining Evercore
April 21, 2017
I joined Evercore to build on this unique culture and to help the firm continue to grow in stature and respect.
This is an extraordinary institution with real opportunities in investment banking advisory, research, and wealth management.
One of our aspirations for Evercore is to be better known, for our capabilities and our commitment to our clients, and for our integrity.
We have an almost militant – perhaps unconditional would be a better word – commitment here to objectivity and to doing the right thing. Our people take intense pride in giving advice that is 100% focused on our clients’ best interests. We aspire to listen well, understand trade-offs, and then deliver service that is the best in class in each of our businesses.
There is also a strong element of humility in the Evercore culture that is rare in this industry and is, to me, extremely attractive. Our people really listen to our clients; they take the time to know them and their businesses well, and to build lasting relationships.
Evercore has grown significantly in the past few years. I expect this growth to continue as we consistently hire professionals from outside and as we promote from within the firm. We have a deep and broad bench now in many of our sectors and geographies – and our people are among the very best in their businesses.
That’s certainly true for our wealth management business, which has performed consistently well since its inception in 2008, providing our clients with unconflicted advice and efficiently managed portfolios that sustain them in living the lives they want to live. I expect Evercore Wealth Management to continue growing across the United States, never losing the independent spirit and the tight bonds that have set it apart from its competitors.
The direct relationship between senior advisors at Evercore and our clients across our businesses should stand us in good stead as we enter what I believe will be a much more volatile geopolitical landscape. All of us have to help our clients understand the potential impacts of that volatility and to manage accordingly, aligning their investments with their appetite for risk.
Our job is to understand and serve our clients, and to help them reach their objectives. It’s as simple – and as complex – as it sounds, and I’ve been in this business long enough to know that it’s rarely done as well as it is at Evercore.
After more than three decades at a rival firm, I am delighted to now be part of Evercore. Our goal is to be the most trusted and respected financial services firm in the world.
Editor’s note: John Weinberg was recently named Executive Chairman and Chairman of the Board at Evercore. He previously worked for 32 years at Goldman Sachs, where he served most recently as Vice Chairman and Co-Head of the investment banking division – and as the third generation of his family in a leadership role at Goldman Sachs. In this interview with Independent Thinking, John considers the qualities and opportunities that drew him to Evercore and sets out his expectations for the firm.