Chris Zander Named CEO, Jeff Maurer Chairman
December 4, 2019

Chris Zander will succeed Jeff Maurer as CEO of Evercore Wealth Management and Evercore Trust Company, N.A., effective January 2, 2020. Jeff Maurer will become Chairman.
“I would like to congratulate Jeff and Chris on the thoughtfully planned and carefully managed leadership transition at our wealth management and personal fiduciary business,” said Ralph Schlosstein, Evercore President and CEO. “We are delighted with the firms’ progress to date and look forward to continuing strong investment performance and excellent client service.”
Roger Altman, Evercore Founder and Senior Chairman, said, “Jeff Maurer and Evercore established Evercore Wealth Management in 2008, in the depths of the Great Recession. The firm has since grown into one of the leading Registered Investment Advisory firms in the United States, succeeding by every measure and becoming a true leader in the wealth management business.”
Chris joined Evercore Wealth Management in 2008 as a founding partner from U.S. Trust, where he managed the national multi-family office. He was named President of Evercore Trust Company in 2017 and President of Evercore Wealth Management in 2019. As CEO, he will work to drive continued strong growth, providing clients across the United States with personal wealth management and fiduciary services in a manner consistent with the Evercore culture of excellence and integrity.
Jeff will be based in the Palm Beach office of Evercore Wealth Management and Evercore Trust Company, and will continue to work with the firms’ family, foundation and endowment clients. He started his career in 1970 at U.S. Trust where he served as President, CEO and Chairman.