Global Investment Management

Our portfolio managers include some of the most experienced professionals in wealth management, with world-class capabilities across a range of investment strategies.

We accommodate existing holdings – including concentrated stock positions – and factor in related considerations, including tax, securities laws, and legacy concerns, in the context of each client’s liquidity needs, risk tolerance, tax position and objectives.

We design and manage customized portfolios, adjusting for changes in family and business circumstances, the economic and regulatory environment, and the evolving aspirations and constraints of our clients. Through a process we call Efficient Architecture®, we combine our proprietary expertise and carefully selected external investments across a range of asset classes defined by their risk, return and liquidity characteristics.

Evercore Wealth Management designs custom portfolios that strive to generate the highest after-fee, after-tax, risk-adjusted returns across a range of asset classes to meet specific client goals. We seek to represent our fees, as well as the impact of inflation and taxes, in an entirely transparent manner.

Our asset classes include:

CASHAnticipate spending needs and future investments
  • Cash Management
  • Money Market Funds
DEFENSIVE ASSETSPreserve capital and provide current income
  • Taxable Bonds
  • Municipal Bonds
CREDIT STRATEGIESEnhance total returns through credit risk exposure while minimizing interest rate risk
  • Floating Rate Bonds
  • High-Yield Bonds
  • Distressed / Stressed Credit
  • Credit Hedge Funds
DIVERSIFIED MARKET STRATEGIESOffset risks to which traditional allocations of bonds and diversified stock portfolios are vulnerable
  • TIPS
  • Gold and Commodities
  • Foreign Bonds
  • Liquid Alternatives
  • Multi-Strategy Hedge Funds
GROWTH ASSETSIncorporate all growth-oriented assets
  • Core U.S. Equity
  • Small Cap U.S. Equity
  • International Equity
  • International Small Cap Equity
  • Emerging Markets Equity
  • Long / Short Hedge Funds
ILLIQUID ASSETSAllocate to investments with potential for high-growth returns
  • Private Equity
  • Venture Capital
  • Illiquid Real Estate Investments

We are always striving to generate the highest after-fee, after-tax, risk-adjusted return and we are proud of our investment performance. Please contact us to learn more.


A higher interest rate environment provides opportunities in credit-sensitive investments, including municipal, real estate, autos, and corporate and consumer credit.
